Monday, December 22, 2008

Late Thanksgiving update (It's almost Christmas!)

It's been a while since we have updated and is really only our second post, but we are still grasping the blogger lifestyle. Me and Jen have been very busy lately as she is looking for jobs and the Army is keeping Nick very busy. We also have Cameron here staying with us as he makes his way towards joining the Army too.

We had a great Thanksgiving and everything turned out very delicious. It was only Nick, Jen, Cam, and a friend of Nick's from basic training that ended up in Georgia too, so it was a very small gathering and felt away from home :( We have tons of pictures too.
For Christmas we may be joining some friends or staying home, it won't be a very big Christmas as we are still somewhat trying to settle in. We will try to keep updating as much as possible.

Nick & Jen


TheAlfonsos said...

Love the pics - makes me feel like we shared Thanksgiving a little bit. Keep up the blogging - I love getting a little glimpse into your lives. Love you guys!

Law Family said...

I miss you guys! It looks like I have no worries as a guys have plenty to eat! I love you and I can't wait to see you all again. Mom

Unknown said...

Hey Nick and Jenny...
We got 3 to 4 feet of snow at our house up in Walker, AZ...take a look...