Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jaxon Thomas Uhri

On October 15, 2009 at 2:38am a little angel Jaxon Thomas weighing 8lbs 2oz and 21 1/2" long was delivered to us! Jenny and I both could'nt be more happy!

The delivery was very difficult for both Jenny and Jaxon, Jen was pushing for about 2 1/2 hours before he came out with an extreme cone head. For the first few minutes he was not very responsive so he was immediately taken to the nursery for assesment, iv's, and monitoring. He was in the nursery for about 14 hours before he was stable enought for us to be able to hold him and bring him into the room. It was amazing for the first time to actually see and hold this little part of you and he was doing so well!

Later that night after trying to get him to eat and rest, he would just not go down to rest. About 24 hours after his birth, about 3am Jenny noticed that he was making some strange movements but we did not think anything about it. About a hour later Nick was holding him and noticed he started to twitch starting in the legs and moving its way up the body. We then called the nurse and she immediately took him back to the nursery and called the on call pediatric doctor. After the doctor assesed him he told us that Jaxon was having seizures possibly due to a hematoma putting pressure on his brain and will now have to be transfered to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Savannah at Memorial Hospital. He was transported by ambulance around 8:30am with Nick riding with him. Jenny was still waiting to be discharged and would'nt be until around 11am.

Jaxon @ Memorial

After arriving at Memorial Hospital in Savannah the NICU immediately started assesing Jaxon and administered medication to keep him from having anymore seizures. They kept him on this medication every 4 hours for the first day and a half he was here. At this time he was still having seizures every couple of hours but they were losing their intensity. The second day he was here they sent him to get a CT Scan followed by a MRI the third day and then an EEG (Electroencephalogram) Test on Monday. The initial CT Scan results just showed a hematoma on his head which was a relief. The next day he would get a MRI and we would hear the results on Monday by a pediatric doctor which was not so good news. The MRI showed areas of brain injury but could not determine the cause of it. We were both very upset hearing that news and only told a few of our close family members. Today (Tuesday) we actually got to talk to the Pediatric Neurologist. He answered alot of the questions that we had and explained more in depth the condition. There is injury called hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in both the right and left frontal lobes but are small areas. He said there is no way of telling how this will affect him in the future but may lead to some problems. There is also a chance since he is so young that whatever that area of the brain controled may move to a different area to compensate.

Despite all of this he is still a healthy baby and gaining weight by way of breast milk and a feeding tube until he wakes up enough to feed from a bottle. He has a little jaundice but is slowly going away. When visiting him today he is starting to become more active by moving all over the place, making noises, smiling, and trying to open his eyes.


We will try to continue and update as much as we can and will keep praying for him, please keep him in your prayers too. Hopefully he will be released to us soon. Also we don't want to be bombarded with phone calls as we are all exhausted and spend most of our day next to him in the NICU where we can't use our phones at all. Also we would like to keep this to this blog and not out on Facebook. We also want to thank everyone for thier support!

Nick, Jenny & Jaxon Uhri


Amanda said...

oh sweetie. i will keep him and you two in my prayers. Please keep us updated. he has strong parents so i know he can make it through anything!

Unknown said...

We love you all!!!

DIMARC said...

Jen and Uhri just wanted to let you know that I did post on facebook Jaxon's story. I did not post his name, what hospital or the link, just asked for prayers. I believe very strongly God can do miracles with prayers. I wanted to let you also know that Jeremy's left side of his brain completely took over for his right side which was dead because of his seizures. Including creating a second major artery on his left side. You three have our prayers and love... the McCoy's

TheAlfonsos said...

Love to you Nick, Jenny and Jaxon. We'll keep saying the prayers for you all. Stay strong and have faith. We love you. Call if you need anything. Can't wait to hold that little angel when you guys come back home. Cindy and John

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say "hi" jenny and congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son...he is precious!! I read your story and will pray for him and you and Nick daily. God loves you all very much...you are a wonderful person and awesome little mother! I have a little grandson who is almost 6 mos. old. I do not get to see him very much since he lives in New York City. Take care sweet girl and email me your address...susiebefort@hotmail.com. I have something to send to handsome little Jaxon (I love that name!)
If you need anything at all, please let me know...love always, susie xoxo

The Schafers said...

Nick and Jenny. Dont know what to do to help you! You are in all of our prayers and thoughts. Call me if you can, 916 844 8578 I want to send something to you and need info. Just a wait and see now, I know he is going to be ok. Laurel is on your side and that is a powerful message to those above. You have alot of people behind all three of you. Love you all the time but mostly right now. Chris and Gary

Law Family said...

I am so proud of the two of you. Jaxon is such a lucky boy to have you as his parents....remember, he chose the two of you to be his parents. He knew that the two of you were the perfect parents for Him. Congratulations on such a wonderful gift! I love the three of you!

Grandma Lolly