Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jaxon Update


Today when we went to visit Jaxon the nurse told us they may be taking him off of the feeding tube soon and he was getting 2oz of food every three hours now. After Jenny and I rested we went back to see him and they had taken the feeding tube out and said he devoured the bottle in less than 10 minutes on his own! We are very pleased with Jaxon's progress and thought Jenny may be able to try to breast feed on his next feeding. At that time we went to see if he would latch on and after a little persuasion he started going to town until she was empty.


Today he was much more active and started opening his eyes more. The nurses told us he should be able to go home in a few more days since he making good progress. Jenny and I could'nt be more excited and can't wait to go home and start settling down.


We also want to thank everyone for all of your support through this, without our friends and family supporting us it would make this much harder to get through. We'll continue to keep everyone updated as we continue to progress through this event.


Unknown said...

I love the new pictures!!!! He is soooo cute!!! I cannot wait to hold him but Grandpa Paz is going to hold him some for me tomorrow :)

Hugs and Kisses to all!!

TheAlfonsos said...

Love the pics of that "cheeky" little boy! He's so adorable! And, great news today about his feeding and opening his eyes. He's got some catching up to do on getting to know his mommy and daddy :) Love you guys so much! Cindy and John

Law Family said...

I never doubted he would be a good eater...he is YOUR son, Nick! Good luck keeping up with him Jenny!

Anonymous said...

So adorable!!

The Schafers said...

Love to see this! Good work you two. You need to come home so you can rest and WE can play with baby Jaxson. He looks good! Continue the good work, we are all with you. Love you Chris